.....Genesis 1
.....Computer Memory Verse
Another fun way to do the memory verse is to have a pretend computer teach your kids.  Let me explain.

We create a power point with a black screen and "Courier New type" (this is Courier New). We tell the kids that we have designed a new computer for children's church, to help us learn the memory verse, his name is Genesis 1.  (See diagram 1) 
We ask Genesis 1 a question, and he answers with both a written response (on the power point), and an oral response (someone pretending to sound like a computer reading the power point in the microphone).  It goes something like this ...
Teacher:  "Good morning computer, are you there?"
Computer: "Good morning.  I am here." (see diagram 2)
Teacher:  "How are you today computer?"
Computer: "I am well.  My name is Genesis 1."
Teacher:  "Genesis One?"
Computer: "Yes, I am the new model computer designed to teach the word of God."
Teacher:  "Can you show us the memory verse for this morning?"
Computer: "The memory verse for today, January 28th is John 14:6 "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes unto the Father, but my me."
Teacher:  "Wow, that is really cool."
Computer: "Would you like me to help you teach the memory verse to the humanoid offspring?
Teacher: "We would love your help."
Computer: "Please read the memory verse below.   John 14:6 "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes unto the Father, but my me."
Teacher: (Teacher reads the memory verse with the kids.)
Computer: "Not bad.  Now try it with some of the words missing.  John 14:6 "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes unto the Father, but my me."

Genesis 1 continues to take away words from the memory verse, as the kids continue to memorize.   One of the fun things we do with Genesis 1, is have him insult the kids.  He will say things like, "I can do better with one circuit tied behind my back." or "My cousin the washing machine can do better than that."  It gives the kids with that competitive edge (you know the ones I am talking about) something fun to compete with.
Here are some other insults:

"Is this the human infant class called the nursery?  Goo goo, gaa gaa.  Please try again."

"Blaa blaa blaa.  Is that all the better you none binary computers can do?"

This goes on until all the words are gone, and the kids have memorized the verse.  Have fun and be creative.

diagram 1 diagram 2 diagram 3
Good Morning Computer.  Are you there?
How are you today Computer?
diagram 4 diagram 5 diagram 6
Genesis One?
Can you show us the memory verse?
Wow, that is really cool.
diagram 7 diagram 8 diagram 9
We would love your to help.
(Reads memory verse with kids.)
(Reads memory verse with kids.)